Aam Aadmi Party Rapidly Spreading its Network Across Tripura


In the last couple of weeks, Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has seen tremendous response from the ground across Tripura inspired by Mr. Arvind Kejriwal’s transparent politics. During the last week of May 2022, Aam Admi Party (AAP) announced a membership drive through a missed call number (8465884658). The party sources claim that till now more than 4500 numbers across the State and currently the Party is contacting each one of them. Apart from that, the State Executive members are also traveling across the state to mobilize volunteers. The party claims that people especially the new generation and first-time voters are looking for a viable alternative for the state which can really deliver. The Delhi AAP Government has already delivered most of its promises and after the Punjab win, the Punjab AAP Government has also started delivering most of its promises as claimed by the party sources.

The State Convener of the party Shri Suman Laskar added “Aam Aadmi Party believes in a new form of politics which has zero tolerance to corruption and believes in solving the day-to-day problems of common people. We will fight the 2023 assembly election with mostly new faces which is the need of the hour. Those parties which have been given the opportunity to govern the state have mostly failed to deliver. Why should the people be cheated again and again? Why can’t the people of the state get quality education, and health services, and also have access to clean drinking water and electricity at no cost that the people of Delhi are already availing?

” He further requested the progressive people of Tripura from all sections to participate in this joining process in large numbers to strengthen the Aam Aadmi Party in Tripura.
