Angami Village Celebrates 68 Years of NNC President’s Service to Naga Nation

NNC President's Service

Chedema Village in Kohima witnessed a momentous occasion on Saturday as community members gathered to honor General Thinoselie M Keyho (Retd), the President of the Nagaland National Council (NNC), for his remarkable 68 years of service to the Naga nation. The celebratory event, held at the Chedema Village Council Hall, was a testament to General Keyho’s unwavering dedication and commitment to the cause.

Attendees of the event hailed from various parts of Nagaland, reflecting the widespread admiration and respect for General Keyho’s contributions over the years. The atmosphere was filled with gratitude and appreciation as speakers took turns to recount the significant milestones and sacrifices made by General Keyho throughout his illustrious career.

During his tenure as the President of the NNC, General Keyho played a pivotal role in advocating for the rights and aspirations of the Naga people. His leadership was marked by resilience in the face of adversity and a steadfast commitment to the cause of Naga sovereignty.

In recognition of his tireless efforts, community leaders presented General Keyho with tokens of appreciation and heartfelt tributes. The event also provided an opportunity for younger generations to learn about the rich history and legacy of the Naga struggle for self-determination.

General Keyho’s unwavering dedication to the Naga cause has earned him widespread admiration and respect not only within the community but also beyond the borders of Nagaland. His leadership has been instrumental in shaping the trajectory of the Naga movement and inspiring countless individuals to stand up for their rights.

As the event drew to a close, attendees expressed their gratitude to General Keyho for his decades of service and reaffirmed their commitment to continue the fight for Naga sovereignty. The celebratory gathering served as a poignant reminder of the enduring spirit of unity and resilience that defines the Naga people.

In honoring General Thinoselie M Keyho (Retd) for his 68 years of service, the Chedema Village community paid tribute to a leader whose legacy will continue to inspire future generations of Nagas to strive for a better tomorrow.



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