Aradhya Das Wins Bronze at Asian Youth Chess Championship 2024

Chess Championship 2024

Tripura’s young chess prodigy, Aradhya Das, has secured the bronze medal at the Asian Youth Under-10 Girls’ Chess Championship 2024 held in Kazakhstan. The tournament, which concluded recently, witnessed Das demonstrating exceptional skill and determination throughout the competition.

Aradhya Das, who has been making waves in the chess community, showcased her talent on an international stage, competing against some of the best young players from across Asia. Her journey to the podium was marked by strategic brilliance and a series of hard-fought matches, earning her accolades from both her peers and mentors.

In the final rounds of the championship, Das faced intense competition but maintained her composure and focus. Her tactical acumen and deep understanding of the game allowed her to outmaneuver several top contenders, securing her place among the top three finishers. This achievement marks a significant milestone in her budding career, bringing pride to her home state of Tripura and the entire nation.

Upon her return, Das received a hero’s welcome in Tripura. Local officials, sports enthusiasts, and supporters gathered to celebrate her success, highlighting the importance of nurturing young talent in the state. Her coach, who has been instrumental in honing her skills, expressed immense pride in her accomplishment and praised her dedication to the sport.

Chief Minister Manik Saha also extended his congratulations to Aradhya Das, commending her for her outstanding performance and bringing glory to Tripura. He emphasized the importance of supporting young athletes and promised to provide all necessary assistance to help them achieve their dreams.

The Asian Youth Chess Championship is a prestigious event that attracts top young players from across the continent. Aradhya Das’s success in this tournament underscores her potential to become a leading figure in the world of chess. Her performance has inspired many young chess enthusiasts in Tripura and beyond, encouraging them to pursue the game with passion and perseverance.

As Das continues her journey in chess, her focus now shifts to upcoming national and international competitions. With her recent success serving as a motivation, she is determined to further refine her skills and achieve greater heights in the chess world. Her story is a testament to the power of hard work, dedication, and the unwavering support of her mentors and community.



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