Arunachal Pradesh Achieves 98% Household Connectivity to Potable Water: A Historic Milestone


In a groundbreaking achievement, Arunachal Pradesh proudly announces the successful connection of 98 percent of households to potable tap water. Chief Minister Pema Khandu shared this historic milestone, marking a significant leap in the state’s progress towards water accessibility.

Arunachal Pradesh’s Triumph Under Jal Jeevan Mission

This noteworthy feat is attributed to the implementation of the Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM), a mission aimed at providing accessible and safe water to every household. The Arunachal Pradesh government, under the leadership of Chief Minister Pema Khandu, has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to ensuring that functional tap water connections reach every corner of the state.

Chief Minister’s Commitment to Community Well-being

Expressing his commitment to the well-being of the community, Chief Minister Pema Khandu stated, “Arunachal Pradesh crosses 98 per cent functional household tap connection coverage under Jal Jeevan Mission.” This achievement not only reflects the dedication of the state government but also signifies a collective effort towards the betterment of the community.

Journey Towards 100% Connectivity

While celebrating the success of achieving 98 percent connectivity, Chief Minister Khandu affirmed the state’s dedication to reaching the 100 percent mark in the near future. He assured that the remaining 2 percent gap would be swiftly addressed, emphasizing the government’s proactive approach to fulfilling this crucial mission.

Arunachal Pradesh stands on the brink of achieving complete connectivity to potable water, the success of the Jal Jeevan Mission serves as a model for other regions. The commitment to community health and well-being resonates throughout the state’s efforts, showcasing a vision for a future where every household has access to clean and safe water.



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