Assam: BJP Ally AGP, Opposition Parties Continue Protests Against Delimitation Proposals

BJP ally AGP opposition parties continue protests against delimitation proposals

Guwahati witnessed sustained demonstrations on Saturday as the Assam Gana Parishad (AGP), an ally of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), and various opposition parties continued their protests against the delimitation proposals. The contentious issue of redrawing electoral boundaries has sparked disagreements and raised concerns among these political groups.

The AGP, a regional political party with a focus on safeguarding the interests of the people of Assam, has been actively voicing its opposition to the delimitation proposals. Joined by other opposition parties, they are raising objections to the manner in which the boundaries are being redrawn, emphasizing the need for a fair representation of the population amidst demographic shifts.

Delimitation, a process undertaken periodically to ensure equitable representation based on population changes, is carried out by a Delimitation Commission appointed by the central government. However, the ongoing protests in Guwahati suggest a divergence of opinion and apprehensions regarding the proposed delimitation plan.

While specific details about the nature and scale of the protests remain limited, it is evident that these demonstrations reflect the discontent among political parties and opposition groups. By maintaining a vocal presence on the streets of Guwahati, the AGP and other opposition parties aim to convey their concerns and press for transparent and inclusive decision-making in the delimitation process.

For a comprehensive understanding of the current developments and the evolving situation surrounding the delimitation proposals and protests in Guwahati, it is advisable to refer to reliable local and national news sources. Additionally, engaging with relevant political parties and organizations in Assam can provide further insights into the diverse perspectives on this matter.



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