Assam: Dighalipukhuri In Guwahati Renamed ‘Entartica Dighalipukhuri’

renamed Dighalipukhuri as 'Entartica Dighalipukhuri'


Guwahati, the bustling city in Assam known for its rich cultural heritage, has found itself at the center of a renaming controversy. Dighalipukhuri, a historic water body nestled in the heart of the city, has become the subject of heated debate as authorities consider renaming it to ‘Entartica Dighalipukhuri.’ This move has sparked intense discussions among locals, cultural enthusiasts, and historians alike, with opinions divided over the potential impact of such a decision.

Historical Significance:

Dighalipukhuri, with its serene surroundings and lush greenery, has long been a cherished part of Guwahati’s history. It is believed to have been built during the reign of the Ahom dynasty, serving as a crucial water reservoir for the city’s inhabitants. Over the centuries, it has witnessed countless events, serving as a backdrop for cultural gatherings, boat races, and even inspiring artistic expressions. The name itself has deep historical roots, deriving from the Assamese words ‘dighal’ (long) and ‘pukhuri’ (pond), signifying the vast expanse of the water body.

Renaming Proposal:

The recent proposal to rename Dighalipukhuri to ‘Entartica Dighalipukhuri’ has created a stir among the people of Guwahati. The suggested name change, derived from the words ‘entartica’ and ‘Dighalipukhuri,’ appears to be an attempt to imbue the water body with a new identity. Proponents of the renaming argue that it could attract more tourists and help showcase Guwahati’s cultural vibrancy. They believe that a distinctive name like ‘Entartica Dighalipukhuri’ would make the water body stand out and create a unique brand for the city.

Controversy and Opposition:

However, not everyone is in favor of this proposed renaming. Critics argue that altering the name of a historically significant site could lead to the erasure of cultural heritage and dilute the historical essence of Guwahati. They emphasize the importance of preserving the city’s historical legacy and retaining the original name, which has stood the test of time. Some locals express concern that such changes could pave the way for commercialization and negatively impact the authenticity of the site.

Preserving Heritage while Embracing Progress:

Balancing the preservation of heritage with the drive for progress is an ongoing challenge faced by cities around the world, and Guwahati is no exception. While the proposed renaming aims to invigorate tourism and enhance Guwahati’s image, it is crucial to ensure that the city’s historical identity remains intact. One possible compromise could be the introduction of alternative measures to promote the site, such as improved infrastructure, educational initiatives, and cultural events that highlight its historical significance.


The debate surrounding the potential renaming of Dighalipukhuri to ‘Entartica Dighalipukhuri’ reflects the larger discourse on preserving heritage versus embracing change. As Guwahati grapples with this controversy, it is essential for stakeholders to engage in open dialogue, considering the opinions of both proponents and critics. Ultimately, the decision should strike a balance between promoting tourism and safeguarding the cultural heritage that makes Guwahati a unique and historically significant city.



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