Big Jump in Daily Coronavirus Infections in Tripura, Infected 14, Recovered 3, Active Patient 34


There has been a sudden increase in the number of corona infections in Tripura. Naturally the sample tests also increased. In the last 24 hours, 14 people have been found corona infected in Tripura. On the other hand 3 people got rid of that disease.

Got tired The daily infection rate has increased by 1.31 percent. As a result, the number of active patients at present has increased to 34.
According to the media bulletin of the Health Department, in the last 24 hours RT-PCR samples of 7 people and 1058 people through Rapid Antigen have been tested. In that, corona infection was found in 14 people through rapid antigen. Therein, the daily infection rate has increased to 1.31 percent from 0.52 percent currently. Meanwhile, 3 people have also recovered. As a result, at present there are 34 active patients of Corona in Tripura.

Incidentally, 108096 people have been infected with Corona in Tripura so far. Out of them 107056 people got cured after getting rid of the infection. Presently the rate of corona infection in the state is 4.05 percent. Similarly, the recovery rate has been 99.05 percent. Meanwhile, the death rate was 0.87 percent. Apart from this, 937 people have died due to corona in Tripura so far.

It has been learned in the media bulletin of the health department that in the last 24 hours maximum 8 people have been infected with corona in South district, 3 people in Unkoti district and 1 person each in Khoyai, Dhalai and North Tripura districts. In the remaining three districts, no one got infected with corona afresh.



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