Biplab Deb Stresses on Equal Treatment for All in Anti-Party Activities


The former Chief Minister of Tripura, Biplab Deb, recently highlighted the importance of treating all individuals equally in matters of anti-party activities. He emphasized that nobody should be above the law, regardless of their position or affiliation within the party.

Deb made this statement during a party meeting, where he called for greater discipline and unity within the party. He emphasized that the BJP is a disciplined party and that all members should adhere to its code of conduct.

The former Chief Minister stressed that the party will not tolerate any form of anti-party activities, regardless of who is involved. He called upon party members to work towards strengthening the party’s position in the state and to avoid engaging in any activity that could harm its reputation or unity.

Deb further emphasized the importance of accountability within the party and urged all members to take responsibility for their actions. He stated that the party will take action against any member found to be engaging in anti-party activities, irrespective of their position or status within the party.

In conclusion, Biplab Deb’s statement highlights the importance of discipline, unity, and accountability within the party. He stressed that all members should be treated equally in matters of anti-party activities and called for greater responsibility from party members to ensure the BJP’s continued growth and success in Tripura.



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