Jitendra Chowdhury Attacks BJP For Taking Credit For Development


The Agartala CPI(M) state secretary Jitendra Chowdhury on Thursday attacked the ruling party BJP by claiming that they are trying to take credit for the development done by the previous Left Government to gain political mileage.

Chowdhury says, “Point out a single project which has been approved, sanctioned, and completed by the present government. You will see big posters on the PMAY houses. The beneficiaries who have received houses recently were selected in the year 2011.”

He added, “Then, the left Font was in power. Incidentally, I was the rural development minister then in Tripura when the socioeconomic survey was conducted. After that, no fresh survey was done, and based on the report prepared by the left Front government people received houses.”

By attacking BJP Chowdhury said, “For Four years, the Centre withheld the houses. All these beneficiaries received houses in one lot. Where is the big thing happening? It is like a betrayal. The prices of construction materials, wages of workers, and related expenditure have only increased in the last four years but the funds have not been increased.”

He said, “Government’s inhuman treatment dampened the festive spirit.”

Chowdhury also said that the GST has completely shattered the foundation of the country’s rural economy and also blamed the saffron party for the dire straits of the state’s rural economy.
