Chief Minister Saha Urges BJP Workers for a Resounding Victory in Upcoming Elections


In a resounding call to action, Chief Minister Dr. Manik Saha addressed the Karyakarini Sabha of the BJP’s 8-Bardwali Mandal at Bani Vidyapith School on Friday. The gathering, held with a special agenda, aimed to discuss the completion of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s nine-year government and strategize for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections in the state.

Dr. Manik Saha emphasized the certainty of the party’s victory, attributing it to the commendable work of the central government led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. However, he cautioned against complacency and urged every BJP worker to give their utmost effort to secure a resounding win in both Lok Sabha seats, surpassing the margin achieved in the previous election.

“With the good work of our central government, victory is within our grasp,” Dr. Saha stated emphatically. “But we must not rest on our laurels. It is our duty to diligently carry the Prime Minister’s message to every citizen of our state.”

The Karyakarini Sabha, a forum for discussing political, economic, and social aspects, was conducted simultaneously in all sixty mandals. However, the present sabha held special significance, focusing primarily on the accomplishments of the nine-year tenure of the Modi government. Dr. Saha emphasized that the message formulated during this gathering must be disseminated effectively to every nook and cranny of the state.

“We must ensure that the message of progress, development, and good governance reaches each and every corner of our beloved state,” declared the Chief Minister. “Our collective efforts will lead to an overwhelming victory in the upcoming elections.”

The Chief Minister’s impassioned speech resonated deeply with the attendees, infusing them with renewed determination and enthusiasm. Following his address, discussions ensued on various strategies to strengthen the party’s presence at the grassroots level, including extensive door-to-door campaigning, public meetings, and innovative outreach programs.

As the sun set on the Karyakarini Sabha, the fervor and commitment exhibited by the BJP workers were palpable. Their dedication to carrying the Prime Minister’s message to every individual, and their unwavering resolve to secure a resounding victory, set the stage for a highly anticipated and fiercely contested election season.

With the guidance of their dynamic Chief Minister, the BJP workers left the sabha inspired and ready to undertake the arduous task that lay ahead. As they dispersed, their collective voices echoed the sentiment that through hard work, dedication, and unity, they would ensure the triumph of the BJP in the forthcoming Lok Sabha elections, propelling their party and their state toward a brighter and prosperous future.



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