Confederation of International Small Tea Holders’ HQ Shifts to India

tea garden

For the development of the tea industry, the headquarters of the Confederation of International Small Tea Holders (CISTH) has been relocated to India. This move underscores India’s growing prominence in the global tea sector and marks a milestone for the country’s tea-growing community.

The decision to shift the CISTH headquarters to India reflects the nation’s pivotal role in the international tea trade. India is renowned for its diverse tea varieties and has a rich history of tea cultivation, making it a natural choice for hosting such an esteemed organization.

The relocation of the CISTH headquarters to India is expected to provide various benefits to the country’s tea industry. It will facilitate closer collaboration and communication between Indian tea producers and their counterparts worldwide, fostering innovation, knowledge exchange, and industry advancement.

Moreover, having the CISTH headquarters in India will offer Indian tea growers greater access to global markets, resources, and expertise. This enhanced connectivity will enable them to stay abreast of industry trends, adopt best practices, and address challenges more effectively, ultimately contributing to the growth and sustainability of the Indian tea sector.

Supporting Small Tea Sellers

The decision to relocate the CISTH headquarters underscores India’s commitment to promoting the interests of small tea holders both domestically and internationally. By hosting the headquarters of this prestigious organization, India reaffirms its dedication to supporting small tea growers and empowering them to thrive in the global market.

Furthermore, the relocation of the CISTH headquarters to India is expected to boost the nation’s standing as a leading player in the global tea industry. It highlights India’s leadership role in shaping the future of the tea sector and reinforces the country’s position as a key influencer in international tea policy and governance.

Overall, the shifting of the Confederation of International Small Tea Holders’ headquarters to India represents a significant milestone for the Indian tea industry. It symbolizes recognition of India’s expertise, capabilities, and contributions to the global tea community while signaling new opportunities for growth, collaboration, and development in the sector.



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