Diabetes Patients Increasing Due to Lifestyle Changes: CM Saha


The number of diabetes patients is increasing due to lifestyle changes, Chief Minister Dr. Manik Saha said this while inaugurating the annual conference at Rabindra Bhavan organized by the Tripura Chapter of North East Diabetes Society on Saturday. Three out of every four patients in India are suffering from kidney disease. Human society must be saved from this deadly disease Anxiety is one of the causes of this disease. So practicing yoga is necessary in this case Chief Minister Dr. Manik Saha said this while inaugurating the annual conference at Rabindra Bhavan organized by the Tripura Chapter of North East Diabetes Society on Saturday. But first of all lifestyle changes should be made Through which it will be possible to stay cured, he said Member of North East Diabetes Society Guwahati Dr. Pranab Kumar Biswas, Organizing Secretary Dr. Mukut Roy, Health Secretary Dr. Debashish Basu, Dr. Pradeep Bhowmik and others were present in the event.

Five senior members of the North East Diabetes Society were felicitated on this day



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