Drug Smugglers Resort to Cunning Tactic: Government Vehicle Number Plates Used to Evade Police Suspicion


In a troubling turn of events, drug traffickers have resorted to an alarming strategy to evade police detection. The capital city’s police successfully apprehended two such drug dealers on Saturday, who were attempting to smuggle drug paraphernalia by affixing government vehicle number plates on their cars. Authorities are now concerned that this deceptive tactic could be adopted by more smugglers in the future.

SDPO Debprasad Roy of Sadar Sub-Division held a press conference at East Agartala police station to shed light on this emerging issue. According to him, the police received vital information from sources at the East Agartala police station about drug dealers using government vehicle plates as a cover for their illegal activities. Acting swiftly on the tip-off, a team led by OC Rana Chatterjee of East Agartala Police Station set up surveillance at Mara Choumuhani area, near Astabal Ground in the capital, on Saturday night.

As the suspected vehicle arrived at the designated area, the police promptly intercepted it. Upon conducting a thorough search, two drug dealers were arrested from the car. During the operation, around 25 grams of brown sugar, a dangerous narcotic substance, was seized from the smugglers in two separate raids. Additionally, the police confiscated two mobile phones, which may contain crucial evidence related to their illicit operations. The arrested individuals have been identified as Kanu Das and Tapas Karmkar.

The estimated value of the seized drug paraphernalia amounts to approximately Rs 1 lakh, while the car itself is valued at Rs 14 lakh. The total worth of the goods seized from the drug dealers is estimated to be around 15 lakh rupees.

SDPO Debprasad Roy emphasized that the police are actively investigating to identify any potential associates or accomplices linked to the arrested drug traffickers. A case has been registered under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act, and the authorities are leaving no stone unturned to dismantle the drug network operating in the region.

The police revealed that the special plates found on the vehicle bore the names of an Assistant Director of the Urban Development Department of the State Government on one side and an Advisor of the Tripura Housing Development Corporation Limited on the other. The drug dealers confessed that they employed this deceitful tactic because police seldom search government official vehicles. By using fake government nameplates, they could discreetly transport drugs throughout the city without arousing suspicion from law enforcement officers.

This shocking revelation has raised concerns among the police, who now fear that more smugglers may attempt to exploit this method to continue their illegal activities undetected. Authorities are determined to thwart such attempts and have urged the public to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activities to the police.

As the investigation unfolds, the police are working tirelessly to dismantle the drug smuggling network and ensure that the city remains safe from the clutches of drug-related crimes.



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