Floods In Western Assam Not Solely Linked To Bhutan Dam Release, ASDMA Clarifies

Floods in Western Assam

In a recent clarification, the Assam State Disaster Management Authority (ASDMA) addressed the cause of the recent wave of floods in western Assam. Contrary to previous reports, the ASDMA emphasized that the floods were not solely attributed to the release of water from the Kurichhu dam in Bhutan.

The statement from the ASDMA seeks to dispel the notion that the Bhutan dam release was the sole factor behind the floods. While it acknowledged that the dam release did contribute to the rising water levels in the region, the authority highlighted other significant factors that compounded the situation.

The ASDMA emphasized that heavy rainfall in the catchment areas of the Brahmaputra and its tributaries, along with water inflow from other states, played a substantial role in the flooding. The combined impact of these factors, along with the dam release, led to the severe flooding in western Assam.

The authority further emphasized the need for a comprehensive approach to address the flood situation in Assam. They highlighted the importance of regional cooperation, early warning systems, and effective flood management strategies to mitigate the impact of such calamities in the future.

The ASDMA’s clarification comes in response to public concern and reports attributing the floods solely to the dam release in Bhutan. By providing a more nuanced understanding of the situation, the authority aims to ensure a comprehensive and accurate assessment of the causes behind the recent floods.

The floods in Assam have been a recurring challenge for the state, causing extensive damage to infrastructure, agriculture, and displacing thousands of people. Efforts to understand the contributing factors and implement effective measures to mitigate the impact are essential for the well-being and safety of the affected communities.

As the authorities continue to assess and address the aftermath of the floods, it is crucial to consider all relevant factors and collaborate with neighboring states and countries to develop sustainable solutions for managing future flood events in the region.



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