Former Chief Minister of Tripura Biplab Dev said: Haryana’s Livestock, Farmers and Jawans Number One in the Country

Biplab Dev

The three-day 39th State Level Livestock Exhibition organized at Dadri began on Saturday. On the first day, Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Minister JP Dalal and former Chief Minister of Tripura and BJP state in-charge Biplab Dev participated in the exhibition and inaugurated it. Through the platform, Biplab Dev described Haryana’s livestock, farmers and jawans as number one in the country.

Biplab Dev

Biplab Dev said that the per capita production of milk in the country is about 420 grams while Haryana is producing more than one liter of milk per person. He said that along with producing grains, the farmers of the state also supply milk to the country by becoming animal rearers. Not only this, these farmers milk their sons and make them soldiers of the army, who sour the teeth of the enemies on the borders. He said that there is no match for Haryana’s cattle. 

Before Biplab Dev, Agriculture Minister JP Dalal addressed the exhibition.

He said that the government is making efforts to promote livestock and especially cow rearing . He said that this time the government has increased the budget ten times for cow promotion.

More than one thousand animals reached the exhibition On the first day of the three-day exhibition, cattle rearers arrived with more than one thousand animals. These include horses, camels, goats, zotes, bulls, cows and buffaloes. If we talk about the first day, more than five thousand people participated in the exhibition.

Dadri MLA put forth these demands from the stage:

14 out of 34 posts of veterinarians in Dadri district are vacant, they should be filled. Cattle herders are facing problems in getting their animals insured for Rs.100, a solution should be found. The cost of cow semen should be reduced from Rs 400 to Rs 100. To participate in the exhibition, the condition of 13 kg milk applicable before 2014 should be kept, which is now 18 liters.

Today the Governor and tomorrow the Chief Minister will participate.

Governor Bandaru Dattatreya will participate on the second day of the exhibition on Sunday. In view of the Governor’s arrival, a demand has been made to the range officers to send police force from other districts as well. The exhibition will conclude on March 13 and Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar will participate on that day.



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