Four Homemade Textiles From Northeast Are Mentioned In UNESCO


UNESCO published a list of 50 unique and distinctive national textile crafts titled ‘Handmade for the 21st Century: Safeguarding Traditional Indian Textiles.

This study features four handcrafted traditional textiles from Northeast India. The names of the four handcrafted traditional textiles are Lasing Phee and Saphee Lanphee from Manipur, the Lepcha weaving from Sikkim, and the Risha textile weaving from Tripura.

The Lashing quilt is different from usual cotton quilts because they are woven on a fly-shuttle loom. Traditional women from Manipur weave and embroider Saphee Lanphee, a traditional Shawl. This is done among very few weavers. Designs from this region are different from any other design. Their designs are vibrant and elaborate they are designed in stripes and woven on the back strap loom.

Many Textile workers are making efficient efforts to improve the marketing connection to elaborate their market.  
