Government has Given Priority to Implementation of Central and State Government Schemes: Social Welfare Minister


The government has given priority to the implementation of central and state government schemes of social welfare and social education departments. All levels of officials and employees of the department should work sincerely in this work. This department is involved in various welfare activities from birth to death of people. Social Welfare and Social Education Minister Santana Chakma said this in a review meeting on the various projects of the Central and State Governments of Social Welfare and Social Education Department at Auditorium No. 2 of Prajna Bhavan today. Department Secretary Tapas Kumar Roy, Director Smita Mall, Additional Director L Ranchal, Deputy Director of the Department, District Program Officer, ADC Officer along with CDPOs participated in the meeting.

In the review meeting, Social Welfare and Social Education Minister Santana Chakma said, this meeting has been organized to review the work of each district and sub-division of the department. We should aim to ensure that the social allowances of the central and state governments reach the beneficiaries properly. Especially Pradhan Mantri Metra Vandana Yojana, Chief Minister Metra Pusthi Gift, Poshan Abhiyan Scheme benefits reach pregnant women and children. So that no one suffers from malnutrition. The department should look at how the Anganwadi centers can be further strengthened.

In the review meeting, Social Welfare and Social Education Department Secretary Tapas Kumar Roy said that this review meeting has been organized to ensure that the benefits of the development program of the department are properly delivered to the real beneficiaries. In the meeting, Director of Social Welfare and Social Education Department Smita Mall discussed various projects of the department. In the review meeting, various projects of the Department including Intensive Child Development Scheme, Pradhan Mantri Matra Bandana Yojana, Poshan Abhiyan, Chief Minister Matra Pusti Gift, Mission Batsalya, Social Allowance, Women Welfare, Pre School Education Kits, LPG Gas Connection, One Stop Center were discussed in detail. .

It was informed in the review meeting that 9,911 Anganwadi Centers are functioning in the state now. Another initiative has been taken to open 15 new Anganwadi centers. Among these, 42 Anganwadi centers have been approved in Blue (Reang) refugee areas.
