Kokborok Speaking People Seek Answers from Tripura State Government Regarding Script Usage


Indigenous Students Demand 100% Use of Roman Letters for Kokborok Language

In a strong message to the Tripura State Government, students from schools, colleges, and universities across the state are demanding clarity on the issue of the script used for the Kokborok language. Specifically, they are questioning the government’s decision to issue a notice mandating the use of the Bengali script for writing Kokborok, instead of the widely-used Roman script. The Kokborok-speaking community, particularly the indigenous people, is seeking answers from the government, highlighting the importance of embracing the Roman script that has been utilized for years.

The demand for 100% usage of Roman letters in Kokborok is resonating throughout the educational institutions across Tripura. The students firmly believe that the government’s notice advocating the use of the Bengali script for Kokborok is a step in the wrong direction. They question the rationale behind neglecting the Roman script, which has been widely accepted and used by various communities globally. As the world progresses towards linguistic diversity and cultural preservation, the students argue that the government’s stance on this matter is regressive and does not align with the broader global trends.

Kokborok, the language of the indigenous people of Tripura, holds immense cultural and historical significance. For years, the use of the Roman script has been instrumental in preserving and promoting the language within and beyond the state’s borders. The students emphasize that the Roman script has enabled broader accessibility and comprehension of Kokborok, fostering inclusivity and enabling easier communication with the non-Kokborok-speaking population.

The students also raise the question of why the government is disregarding the value and effectiveness of the Roman script, which has been used for years. They argue that a sudden shift to the Bengali script could hamper the progress made in promoting and developing the language. Instead of moving backward, the government should embrace the global momentum towards using the Roman script for indigenous languages, acknowledging its significance and positive impact.

The call for answers from the Tripura State Government extends beyond the student community. It represents the concerns and aspirations of the entire Kokborok-speaking population in the state. The indigenous people, who have long championed the preservation of their language and culture, are urging the government to reconsider its decision and prioritize the use of the Roman script for Kokborok.

As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, languages play a vital role in cultural identity and societal development. By embracing the Roman script for Kokborok, Tripura has the opportunity to align itself with global practices while simultaneously empowering its indigenous population. The government’s response to this demand will not only shape the linguistic landscape of the state but also reflect its commitment to cultural diversity and inclusivity.

The students of Tripura, particularly those from the indigenous communities, have raised their voices in support of using the Roman script for Kokborok. They seek answers from the Tripura State Government regarding the decision to mandate the use of the Bengali script. With the global shift towards embracing diverse scripts, the students argue that neglecting the Roman script contradicts the progressive path that the rest of the world is following. It is now up to the government to address these concerns and make a decision that aligns with the aspirations and cultural heritage of the Kokborok-speaking people of Tripura.



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