Manipur CM N Biren Singh’s Twitter Comments On Kuki Community Saprk Outrage, Tweets Deleted

Manipur CM Twitter comments on Kuki community


In today’s digital age, responsible social media usage is considered crucial, especially for public figures and leaders. However, Manipur’s Chief Minister, N Biren Singh, recently found himself facing criticism over his handling of certain Twitter accounts. This incident has sparked a discussion about the role and responsibilities of politicians in the realm of social media.


As social media platforms continue to play a significant role in public discourse, politicians often utilize these platforms to connect with their constituents and share information. However, their actions and statements on social media can have far-reaching consequences, making it important for leaders to exercise caution and responsibility.

The Incident:

It appears that CM N Biren Singh’s recent interactions on Twitter sparked controversy and outrage within the Kuki community. While the specifics of the comments are not available, it has been reported that the chief minister’s remarks upset members of the community. These comments were allegedly deemed insensitive or offensive, leading to a backlash from various quarters.

Deletion of Tweets:

In an attempt to contain the situation, it was reported that CM N Biren Singh deleted the controversial tweets. This decision, however, did not go unnoticed and drew further attention from the public and media. The deletion raised questions about transparency, accountability, and the responsibility of elected officials on social media platforms.

Public Reaction:

The incident received widespread attention, with many expressing their disappointment and anger over the chief minister’s alleged insensitive comments. Social media platforms were flooded with criticism, and hashtags related to the incident began trending, amplifying the issue further. Various organizations and individuals called for an explanation and apology from CM N Biren Singh, demanding accountability for his actions.

The Role of Social Media Responsibility:

This incident has once again brought to the forefront the need for politicians and public figures to exercise caution and responsibility when using social media platforms. The impact of their words and actions can be magnified in an instant, leading to unintended consequences and damage to their reputation.

Call for Reflection:

As the backlash continues, it is expected that CM N Biren Singh and his team will reflect on the incident and evaluate their social media strategy. This incident serves as a reminder to politicians across the board about the importance of being mindful of their digital presence, ensuring that their statements uphold the principles of inclusivity, respect, and sensitivity.


The controversy surrounding Manipur CM N Biren Singh’s Twitter comments on the Kuki community highlights the delicate nature of social media usage for public figures. While the specifics of the incident and the chief minister’s comments remain unknown, the incident serves as a wake-up call for politicians to recognize the power and impact of their words in the digital realm. Moving forward, it is hoped that leaders will adopt a more responsible approach to social media, understanding the need to foster harmony and respect while engaging with diverse communities.



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