Manipur Violence: What Use Of Having An All-Party Meeting In Absence Of MP, Say Congress

What use of having all-party meeting in absence of MP

In a scathing attack on the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-led government and Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the Congress party raised concerns over the ongoing violence in Manipur and accused the ruling party of failing to take appropriate action.

During a press conference held on Thursday, the Congress party reiterated its criticism of the government’s handling of the situation in Manipur, highlighting the absence of a meaningful response from the authorities. The party emphasized that an all-party meeting convened to address the issue lacked the crucial presence of a Member of Parliament (MP) from Manipur, further undermining the effectiveness and inclusivity of the discussions.

The absence of the Manipur MP during the all-party meeting was perceived as a setback by the Congress party. They argued that without the direct representation of the affected region, the meeting failed to adequately address the concerns of the people affected by the violence. This absence was seen as a missed opportunity for comprehensive dialogue and collaboration towards finding a lasting solution.

Congress party members expressed their disappointment with the BJP government’s inaction and criticized Prime Minister Narendra Modi for his perceived lack of involvement in resolving the crisis. They accused the government of turning a blind eye to the plight of the people in Manipur and failing to provide them with the necessary support and security.

The ongoing violence in Manipur has been a cause for serious concern, and the Congress party has been consistently vocal in demanding swift action from the government. They have called for immediate measures to restore peace and stability in the region, emphasizing the need for proactive intervention and a comprehensive approach to address the underlying issues.

While the BJP-led government has not yet responded to the Congress party’s criticism, the pressure on the ruling party continues to mount. The public’s attention remains focused on the situation in Manipur, with expectations of a robust response from the government and concrete steps to restore peace in the troubled region.

As the political discourse surrounding the violence in Manipur intensifies, it remains to be seen how the BJP government will address the concerns raised by the Congress party and other stakeholders. The situation calls for urgent action and a united effort to bring an end to the violence, ensuring the safety and well-being of the people in Manipur.



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