Meghalaya CM Takes Personal Stand on Coke Plant Applications


Meghalaya Chief Minister, Conrad Sangma, has asserted his commitment to personally review applications for five coke plants recently granted Consent to Establish (CTE) by the Meghalaya State Pollution Control Board (MSPCB). The move comes amid concerns raised over the environmental impact of these plants in the East Jaintia Hills district.

Legislative Concerns

During the assembly session, UDP MLA Nujorki Sungoh raised a zero-hour notice, expressing apprehension about the MSPCB’s decision to grant CTE to the coke plants. Sungoh specifically addressed the potential adverse environmental effects, referring to the region as the “cancer capital.”

In response, Chief Minister Conrad Sangma acknowledged the environmental concerns and assured that he would personally scrutinize each application. Sangma emphasized the importance of adhering to environmental norms, and any violations would be met with appropriate legal action.

While addressing the legislative concerns, CM Sangma highlighted the delicate balance between ecological preservation and economic development. He stressed the necessity of job creation, economic growth, and investments for the state’s progress while acknowledging the need for environmental safeguards.

Conrad Sangma cautioned against painting all industrial activities with a broad brush, urging a nuanced approach. He acknowledged that while concerns exist, not every plant or industry should be labeled as harmful. The chief minister advocated for a comprehensive understanding of the situation.

CM Sangma pledged to convene a meeting with the MSPCB to discuss the matter further. His commitment to personally reviewing the applications underscores the gravity of the environmental concerns and the government’s responsibility in ensuring a balance between development and ecological preservation.



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