Meghalaya: HYC objects to reappointment of retired MTDC CGM


In a recent development, the Hynniewtrep Youth Council (HYC) has voiced its strong dissatisfaction regarding the reappointment of the Chief General Manager (CGM) of the Meghalaya Tourism Development Corporation (MTDC) in Guwahati, even after his official retirement on March 31, 2023. The HYC, representing the youth wing of the Hill State People’s Democratic Party (HSPDP), has expressed its resentment, citing concerns about transparency and the disregard for local talent.

The decision to reappoint a retired CGM has raised questions among the HYC members, who believe that such actions contradict the principles of good governance and fairness. They argue that there are numerous qualified individuals within Meghalaya who could have been considered for the position, thereby providing opportunities to the local youth and fostering a sense of inclusivity.

Emphasizing the importance of promoting fresh ideas and dynamism in leadership roles, the HYC has urged the government to reconsider its decision. They assert that appointing a deserving candidate who can bring new perspectives and energy to the position would not only benefit the MTDC but also serve as an inspiration for aspiring youth in the state.

The HYC’s objection reflects a larger concern about the equitable distribution of opportunities and the avoidance of favoritism in the public sector. They firmly believe that the reappointment of a retired CGM sets a discouraging precedent and undermines the potential for young, talented individuals to contribute to the growth and development of Meghalaya’s tourism sector.

While the HYC acknowledges the expertise and experience of the retired CGM, they argue that it is crucial to strike a balance between recognizing past contributions and providing opportunities for fresh talent. By doing so, the state can harness the enthusiasm, creativity, and ambition of its young population, enabling a more vibrant and sustainable future for Meghalaya’s tourism industry.

It is worth noting that the information provided is accurate as of the knowledge cutoff in September 2021. For the latest updates and developments on the HYC’s objection and any subsequent actions taken, it is advisable to refer to local news sources or official statements from the concerned parties.

In a recent development, the Hynniewtrep Youth Council (HYC) has voiced its strong dissatisfaction regarding the reappointment of the Chief General Manager (CGM) of the Meghalaya Tourism Development Corporation (MTDC) in Guwahati, even after his official retirement on March 31, 2023. The HYC, representing the youth wing of the Hill State People’s Democratic Party (HSPDP), has expressed its resentment, citing concerns about transparency and the disregard for local talent.

The decision to reappoint a retired CGM has raised questions among the HYC members, who believe that such actions contradict the principles of good governance and fairness. They argue that there are numerous qualified individuals within Meghalaya who could have been considered for the position, thereby providing opportunities to the local youth and fostering a sense of inclusivity.

Emphasizing the importance of promoting fresh ideas and dynamism in leadership roles, the HYC has urged the government to reconsider its decision. They assert that appointing a deserving candidate who can bring new perspectives and energy to the position would not only benefit the MTDC but also serve as an inspiration for aspiring youth in the state.

The HYC’s objection reflects a larger concern about the equitable distribution of opportunities and the avoidance of favoritism in the public sector. They firmly believe that the reappointment of a retired CGM sets a discouraging precedent and undermines the potential for young, talented individuals to contribute to the growth and development of Meghalaya’s tourism sector.

While the HYC acknowledges the expertise and experience of the retired CGM, they argue that it is crucial to strike a balance between recognizing past contributions and providing opportunities for fresh talent. By doing so, the state can harness the enthusiasm, creativity, and ambition of its young population, enabling a more vibrant and sustainable future for Meghalaya’s tourism industry.

It is worth noting that the information provided is accurate as of the knowledge cutoff in September 2021. For the latest updates and developments on the HYC’s objection and any subsequent actions taken, it is advisable to refer to local news sources or official statements from the concerned parties.

The objection raised by the Hynniewtrep Youth Council (HYC) against the reappointment of a retired Chief General Manager (CGM) in the Meghalaya Tourism Development Corporation (MTDC) reflects a wider concern about transparency, fairness, and the potential of local talent. By reconsidering the decision and providing opportunities to deserving candidates, the government can instill a sense of hope and motivation among the youth, paving the way for a vibrant and prosperous future for Meghalaya’s tourism industry.



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