Message of Proper Adherence to Traffic Rules, Fine and Strict Action on Rule Breakers


Vehicle accidents in the state are increasing day by day. Opinions have been expressed from various quarters that the accident rate is increasing due to lack of awareness. If the traffic rules are properly followed, the accident rate can be reduced a lot.

The traffic department has issued various guidelines on the night of vehicle accidents, but in many cases those guidelines are not obeyed by the vehicle drivers. The traffic department is also not taking a strict attitude in this regard. Finally, on Friday, the traffic doctor is shaking Officers of the Traffic Department. On Friday in the North Gate area of the capital city of Agartala Drivers who are not wearing seat belts are arrested and warned from 1 and fines are collected from them.

A message has been given by the traffic police on this day that strict legal action will be taken as a result of obeying the traffic rules.
A few days ago, the traffic department issued an advertisement to make it mandatory for drivers to wear seat belts while driving. Most of the motorists do not close the seat bell while driving despite the traffic department issuing guidelines.

The traffic police started the operation from Friday On this day, an operation was conducted in the North Gate area of the capital. The drivers who were driving without seat belts were warned and fined Rs 500. A traffic police said vehicle accidents are increasing. In many cases it is seen that the drivers do not fasten the seat bell. Therefore, importance has been given to the vehicle drivers to fasten their seat belts He said that such operations will continue in the future.



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