Mizoram Delegation Meets with Tripura Lokayukta to Discuss Anti-Corruption Measures and Good Governance


A delegation from the state of Mizoram, led by minister TJ Lalnuntluanga, met with Tripura Lokayukta Kalyan Narayan Bhattacharjee on May 11, 2023. The meeting was held to discuss the implementation of the Lokayukta system in Mizoram.

During the meeting, Bhattacharjee explained the functions and powers of the Lokayukta, which is an anti-corruption ombudsman institution in India. He also spoke about the importance of the Lokayukta in ensuring accountability and transparency in government.

The Mizoram delegation expressed their interest in implementing a similar system in their state and sought Bhattacharjee’s guidance on the matter. They also discussed the challenges they may face in implementing such a system and the ways in which they can overcome them.

Bhattacharjee offered his expertise and support to Mizoram in their efforts to establish a Lokayukta system. He emphasized the need for a strong and independent Lokayukta institution to effectively tackle corruption and promote good governance.

The meeting was seen as a positive step towards promoting transparency and accountability in government and fighting corruption in both Tripura and Mizoram. It is hoped that the exchange of ideas and experiences between the two states will lead to better governance and a more accountable and responsible government.

The Mizoram delegation also expressed their appreciation for the hospitality and cooperation they received during their visit to Tripura. They thanked Bhattacharjee for his valuable insights and guidance and expressed their hope for continued cooperation between the two states in the future.

The meeting between the Mizoram delegation and Tripura Lokayukta Kalyan Narayan Bhattacharjee was a productive and constructive one, with both sides exchanging ideas and experiences to promote good governance and fight corruption in the region. It is a positive sign for the future of governance in the Northeastern states of India.



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