Myanmar: Aung San Suu Sentenced To Six More Years of Jail In Corruption Case

Aung San Suu is jailed for six more years. This sentence has been given in four corruption cases. Aung San Suu is already in jail in other 11 cases.

Aung San Suu Kyi, the deposed leader of military-ruled Myanmar, has been sentenced to six years in jail by a court there. She has been found guilty in four corruption cases, and after that, she was sentenced to this punishment. By the way, she’s already in prison because she was sentenced to jail earlier in some other cases.

77 years old Aung San Suu has a big name in Myanmar’s politics. But now a total of 18 cases are registered against her ranging from election violation to corruption. If we count all these together, then Aung San Suu can be sentenced to a full 190 years of prison. Till now Aung San Suu has been denying the allegations on her as fake.

She is already in prison because or her involvement in other illegal cases. In the cases heard on Monday, Aung San Suu Kyi was found guilty of misusing the funds of the Daw Khin Kyi foundation.
This foundation was laid down by Aung San. It was to work in the field of health and education. This institution should be given school construction and government space at a cheap rate.
Myanmar politics has been in turmoil since last year. There the military overthrew the elected government of Aung San Suu and carried out a coup. Although Myanmar is being ruled by the military for Five decades in its 6 years decades of history.

Since the coup in February last year in Myanmar, several thousand people have been jailed, and many have also been killed. The United States also expressed concern over the situation in Myanmar and called it against humanity. The international community has also criticized Myanmar’s military in various ways.
