Mysterious Mass Fainting Incident at Ramakrishna Nagar Vidyapith School


In a shocking turn of events, a wave of sensation has gripped Assam’s Karimganj district as 35 students fell unconscious after the morning assembly on January 6 at Ramakrishna Nagar Vidyapith Higher Secondary School. The incident has prompted swift action from local authorities, with medical teams dispatched to the school and a magistrate on-site to assess the situation.

According to sources, the health of 30-35 students suddenly deteriorated following the morning assembly. District commissioner Mridul Yadav, addressing the incident, stated, “Medical teams have been sent from the district administration to the school. And a magistrate has also gone to take stock of the incident.”

Preliminary reports point to a possible cause for the mass fainting episode – the students had allegedly skipped breakfast, leading to dizziness and subsequent health issues. The absence of this crucial meal may have played a significant role in the students’ sudden deterioration.

Disturbingly, the affected students complained of breathlessness, adding a layer of concern to the situation. In response to the medical emergency, all the female students who lost consciousness have been promptly admitted to Ramakrishnanagr hospital for further evaluation and care.

Despite these efforts, the precise trigger for this alarming incident remains unconfirmed. Authorities are diligently investigating the root cause, aiming to provide clarity on what led to the mass fainting episode.

The incident at Ramakrishna Nagar Vidyapith Higher Secondary School serves as a stark reminder of the importance of proper nutrition, especially for students who rely on school-provided meals. As the investigation unfolds, the community anxiously awaits a comprehensive report shedding light on the mysterious circumstances surrounding this unfortunate event.



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