DR.VEG INTERNATIONAL a Nagpur based start-up has come up with a revolutionary idea for the very first time in Indian History which prevents the degradation of fruits and vegetables by increasing its shelf life and stability by up to 300%. Both the founders of this company belong to the City of oranges and are Alumni of Hislop College & member of DIC Nagpur
IRAI Director Dr A K Singh in an interview to IANS said that almost 30-40 per cent of vegetables and fruits and almost 10 per cent of the total agricultural produce go to waste in the country. “If these products are been preserved properly then we will not only be able to increase the production while can also help the farmers in doubling their income,”

Ms Ramsha Jani,a Biotechnologist by profession invented this revolutionary technology that has hiked the shelf life of fruits and vegetables by 300% . It is a clinically proven completely organic technology which provides fruits and vegetables which is safe for consumption. Sometimes, raw fruits and vegetables contain harmful germs that can make you and your family sick, such as Salmonella, Shigella, Listeria monocytogenes, E. coli 0157:H1, gastrointestinal viruses, Entamoeba histolytica, and Ascaris spp. And so DR.VEG INTERNATIONAL’S fruits and vegetables are 99.9% contamination free .
Talking about the potential for exports,Mr.Irshad Pathan another co-founder of this company said, “There is a huge potential for the export of fruits and vegetables from the country but due to ripening and perishability of these fruits and vegetables, it is risky to enter into international market. And so for this very reason DR.VEG INTERNATIONAL has worked towards creating a technology which can provide stability and increase the shelf life by 300% during export of these fruits and vegetables . The processing cost of these fruits and vegetables is just rupees one per kg and they can make export of agricultural activities beneficial with the use of this technology .”
Both the founders of the company have a mission to use this technology not only for export but also help local businesses , street vendors, hotels , mess , catering services and farmers to grow globally together with DR.VEG international and to make their product from Local to Global.