Netaji Subhas Regional Coaching Centre Hosts Ten-Day NCC Training Camp for Boys and Girls in Tripura


A ten-day training camp for NCC (National Cadet Corps) boys and girl cadets from across the state commenced at the Netaji Subhas Regional Coaching Centre (NSRCC) in Tripura. The training camp, organized by the 13th NCC battalion based in Tripura, began yesterday and will continue until May 28. A total of 343 NCC cadets from sixteen colleges in the state are participating in the program, with 213 boys and 130 girls in attendance. The inauguration of the camp was carried out by S. Sriram, the Silchar-based group commander Colonel of NCC, along with the presence of Colonel M.A. Rajmannar, the commandant of the 13th NCC battalion in Tripura, Colonel Venoy Rautham (deputy camp commander), Camp Adjutant Goouri Paul, and other senior NCC officials from Tripura.

In his opening address, Group Commander Colonel Sriram emphasized the importance of discipline, punctuality, and dedication to the service of the motherland for the NCC cadets. Over the course of the ten-day training, the cadets will be instructed in various areas such as leadership, drill, map reading, arms training, firing, physical training (PT), yoga, cultural events, and group discussions. Additionally, the gathered NCC cadets will have the opportunity to learn about the working styles and methodologies of organizations like the NDRF (National Disaster Response Force), Forensic Science Laboratory, fire extinguishing services, and human trafficking. The entire training program will be supervised by Gramci Sikura, the team leader of the NCC team based in Silchar.

During the inaugural program, several NCC cadets were recognized and rewarded for their outstanding service and contributions. Pramir Tripura, a student from BBMC (name of college), Sushmita Debnath from Mohanpur College, and NCC official Sutapa Dutta were among the recipients of trophies presented by senior NCC officials attending the training program. The aim of the camp is to equip the cadets with essential skills, instill values of discipline and patriotism, and provide them with exposure to various aspects of national service.



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