Northeast Trade Bodies Applaud UNNATI 2024 Industrialization Scheme

Industrialization Scheme

Trade bodies across Northeast India are celebrating the recent announcement of the UNNATI 2024 industrialization scheme. Launched by the government, the initiative aims to bolster industrial growth and economic development in the region. Representatives from various trade organizations have hailed the scheme as a significant step towards enhancing the industrial landscape and fostering job opportunities.

The UNNATI 2024 scheme focuses on providing essential infrastructure, financial incentives, and policy support to attract investments in key sectors such as manufacturing, agro-processing, and tourism. It aims to leverage the region’s abundant natural resources and skilled workforce to establish a thriving industrial ecosystem.

Speaking on behalf of the Northeast Chamber of Commerce and Industry, President Ramesh Das expressed optimism about the scheme’s potential to transform the economic trajectory of the region. He emphasized the importance of creating a conducive environment for industrial growth to harness the region’s untapped potential fully.

The Assam Small Scale Industries Association also welcomed the initiative, highlighting its role in boosting entrepreneurship and encouraging the establishment of micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs). Secretary General Priya Sharma emphasized the need for streamlined processes and efficient implementation to ensure the scheme’s success.

Similarly, the Manipur Trade Association praised the government’s proactive approach in addressing the challenges faced by industries in the region. President Suresh Singh noted the significance of infrastructure development and access to finance in attracting investments and fostering sustainable industrialization.

The UNNATI 2024 scheme aligns with the government’s vision of promoting inclusive growth and bridging the development gap between the Northeast and the rest of the country. By leveraging the region’s unique strengths and addressing existing bottlenecks, the initiative aims to create a conducive environment for industrial expansion and job creation.

Industry experts believe that the scheme’s holistic approach, coupled with targeted interventions, will unlock the region’s economic potential and pave the way for sustainable development. They emphasize the need for active collaboration between the government, industry stakeholders, and local communities to ensure the scheme’s effective implementation.

As the UNNATI 2024 industrialization scheme gains momentum, trade bodies remain hopeful that it will serve as a catalyst for driving inclusive growth, enhancing competitiveness, and fostering prosperity across Northeast India.



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