PM Modi’s Behaviour On Manipur Shockingly Bizarre: Congress

PM Modi's behaviour on Manipur shockingly bizarre

New Delhi:

The Congress party launched a scathing attack on Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday, highlighting his silence on the recent wave of violence in Manipur. The party expressed shock and dismay at what they called the Prime Minister’s “bizarre behavior” in not addressing the critical situation in the northeastern state.

The Congress party, known for its vocal opposition to the ruling government, accused PM Modi of neglecting his duty as the country’s leader by remaining silent on the escalating violence in Manipur. They argued that his silence sent a message of indifference and lack of concern for the welfare and security of the people affected by the unrest.

Speaking at a press conference, a Congress spokesperson criticized the Prime Minister’s apparent lack of urgency and demanded a clear explanation for his silence. They called upon PM Modi to break his silence and provide reassurance to the people of Manipur, assuring them that the government was actively working towards resolving the crisis.

The spokesperson further accused the Prime Minister of evading responsibility and avoiding accountability, stating that his silence was not befitting of a leader in times of crisis. They emphasized that it was the duty of the Prime Minister to address the concerns of the people and take swift action to restore peace and stability in Manipur.

The Congress party also criticized the ruling government for its alleged failure in maintaining law and order in the state. They accused the government of disregarding the security needs of the people and not taking appropriate measures to prevent the violence from escalating.

The party’s scathing attack comes as tensions continue to rise in Manipur, with reports of clashes between different communities and instances of violence being reported. The Congress party called for immediate intervention by the central government to restore peace and ensure the safety of the citizens.

While the Congress party is known for its political opposition to the ruling government, their criticism raises important questions about the role and responsibility of the Prime Minister in addressing crises such as the one currently unfolding in Manipur. As the leader of the country, it is expected that the Prime Minister provides leadership and reassurance during times of unrest.

The ball is now in the court of the Prime Minister, who faces mounting pressure to break his silence and take decisive action to restore peace in Manipur. The coming days will reveal whether PM Modi addresses the concerns raised by the Congress party and takes concrete steps to resolve the situation, or if his silence continues to draw criticism from opposition parties and the public alike.



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