Stipulation Of An Inquiry Into The Motorbike Invasion In Tripura


Former PCC president, three-time MLA, and veteran Congress leader Gopal Roy have stipulated an inquiry into the ‘motorbike invasion’ of Tripura which is brought together by the Bhartiya Janta Party

. He said that over 300 UP-registered bikes have made an appearance in Tripura and most of them are illegally parked in the compound of the government-owned ‘Bhagat Singh Yuba Awas’ while the other bikes were kept in other places including the BJP state headquarters.

 “The state government owes an explanation to the people of the state regarding the arrival of so many motorbikes though it is quite obvious that these bikes have come to bolster the notorious motor bike-borne mafias of the BJP so that the next assembly elections can be rigged with their help,” said Gopal. He also included that he will file a complaint with the Central Election Commission against it. 

In addition to this, speaking on the phone Gopal Roy raised an objection to the nomination of dismissed CM Biplab Kumar Deb to Rajya Sabha.

 “The BJP leadership at the state and central level must explain to people of the state how a tainted man who had been so unceremoniously removed from the post of chief minister was honored with a nomination to Rajya Sabha where learned people go to represent respective states; this is indeed astonishing but nothing unexpected of a fascist party like the BJP,” said Gopal.

He also propounded that the Congress in Tripura is well on track to an exceptional resuscitation and will democratically dislodge the BJP from power in the next assembly elections.

 “The BJP had won the last assembly election with our vote but now this vote is returning to the original fold of Congress; BJP will be ousted from power by the sovereign will of the people and we are now working hard to accelerate the process,” said Gopal.
