The city of Shillong recently played host to a significant event as the Expert Committee on the Roster System, chaired by Ampareen Lyngdoh, gathered...
Shillong's political landscape witnessed a heated debate as the ACHIK Conscious Holistically Integrated Krima (ACHIK) vehemently challenged the proposal put forward by Congress MLA...
Shillong - In a significant development, the Meghalaya government has accepted the recommendation put forth by the committee on the reservation roster. The committee's...
Shillong, : In a significant move towards educational empowerment, the Meghalaya government has officially entered into a partnership with the National Institute of Open...
Shillong, Meghalaya - In a concerning turn of events, the dormant militant outfit in Meghalaya, the Garo National Liberation Army (GNLA), has reportedly regrouped...