The Manipur Patriotic Party Conveys Disappointment Over MPs’ Visits, Seeks Clarity on State Issues


The Manipur Patriotic Party has expressed deep regret and disappointment over the recent visits of Members of Parliament (MPs) from the Indian Parliament to Manipur. While these visits may appear to be positive steps towards addressing the state’s issues, the party believes that many MPs arrive with their own political and personal agendas, failing to understand the root causes of the ongoing violence in Manipur.

In light of the twenty (20) Opposition MPs from the newly formed alliance I.N.D.I.A visiting Manipur, the party urges them to clarify their stance on the longstanding issues affecting the state. Given that their parties have held power both at the Centre and the State for a considerable time, their responsibility to clearly state the root cause of the present crisis and address Manipur’s concerns becomes even more significant.

The Manipur Patriotic Party highlights two critical concerns that have been plaguing the state – illegal immigration and the scourge of Narco-terrorism due to its proximity to the Golden Triangle. They seek clear answers from the visiting MPs regarding their proposed measures to effectively tackle these pressing issues.

The party questions the MPs’ silence in the past, pointing out that they remained passive observers for a long time and only now express concern when Manipur is facing turmoil. Moreover, the role of the Congress Party in contributing to the present violent crisis in Manipur comes under scrutiny. The party seeks accountability from the visiting MPs regarding the Congress Party’s actions in allowing refugees to resettle in Manipur with voting rights in the 1950s and 1960s and the settlement of illegal immigrants obtaining Indian citizenship in an unlawful manner.

Furthermore, the Suspension of Operation (SoO) agreements signed between Myanmar-based Kuki militants and the UPA government under former Prime Minister Shri Manmohan Singh is also a matter that requires clarification. The SoO agreements have been criticized for creating breeding grounds for militants, significantly contributing to the present violent crisis. The MPs must address why they did not question the SoO at that time and why they have not raised concerns now.

The Manipur Patriotic Party emphasizes that the visiting MPs have a moral responsibility to rise above party politics and truly understand the root cause of the present crisis. Failure to comprehend and address these issues promptly poses a significant threat to the nation’s security. The party urges the MPs not to selectively pick incidents to suit their political agenda but to present an accurate narrative of the present crisis to the people of India and the world through the Indian Parliament.



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