The Time Has Come : CPI-M leader Manik Sarkar Said


The former Chief Minister of Tripura and the leader of the CPI-M party, Manik Sarkar asked the party workers not to get frightened by the mischievous tactics of some BJP miscreants. “Keep the copies of the FIRs as a record,” directed Manik Sarkar to his members while addressing the meeting on Thursday in Pecharthal under the North Tripura district.

Sarkar also assured his party member’s safety and hopes that strict action would be taken against any miscreant as the chief minister has changed now.

“There is no need to be afraid of the miscreants. Their days are numbered. I would advise all of you to file FIRs with the police stations in case of any incident against you. Even if the police don’t take action against the miscreants, FIR will act as a record. Strict police action will be initiated against those involved in crimes driven by political vengeance,” said Sarkar while addressing a party meeting at Pecharthal.

Sarkar calls his fellow supporters to join their movement as their time to relaunch movements across Tripura, which he believes have come. Slamming the government, Sarkar also asked the citizens not to be afraid of anyone and raise their voices against crime and injustice.

“The time to raise your voice against the misrule of BJP has arrived. I want to call upon every victim to rise and revolt against the ruling party, and the intensity of the movements should be so that they are removed from power in the next elections,” Sarkar said.

Sarkar also alleged some BJP party workers of misappropriating MGNREGA funds. He said that the leaders who are supposed to help people are demanding a share of people’s hard-earned money. Accusing that some BJP workers are doing injustice to the MGNERGA workers, Sarkar hints that all these things will be over when CPI-M comes to power in the next election.

“Remember, after darkness, the sun rises and whenever it heats, it rains. Similarly, this government will change and CPI-M will return to power”, said Sarkar.

Sarkar also urged the party workers to play an active role in creating another victory for the Left Front and the formation of the 8th Left Front government. The Left MLAs Ratan Bhowmik, Shahid Chowdhury, Bijita Nath, Mofaswar Ali, and Islam Uddin were present at the meeting.
