The Tripuri Gastronomy – An Excellent Cuisine


Since time immemorial, mankind has relied on countless ways to hunt, cultivate, and gather food to keep oneself fueled. Food is undoubtedly a universal prerequisite for any living organism. However, owing to evolution and emphasis on regional imparities, cuisines have had paramount significance. 

India has an extraordinarily rich culture which includes food, history, attires, and languages to name a few. India has over a thousand sub-regions, and each region has its own peculiar cuisine and history to it. For Indians, breaking the bread together means brotherhood and unity. 

Tripura – nestled at the tip of Northeast, burgeons from nature’s endowments, however, the human resources magnify the charm of the state. 

Tripuris are essentially nonvegetarians and prepare most of their meals with meat with the addition of vegetables and condiments.

Mui Borok, as it is affectionately called by the people of Tripura, is their cuisine. The key ingredient of the Tripuri food is called Berma which is a small, dry fermented, and oil-pasted fish.

                Basic Tripuri thali

Tripuri food such as Bangui rice and fish stews, Muya (bamboo shoots), local fishes, vegetables, herbs, Batema (this jelly-like food is prepared by making a paste of Batema plant’s tuber) Wahan Moso (prepared by adding boiled pork, onion pieces, salt, pasted ginger, and roasted green chili paste), and roasted meat are some of the Tripuri dishes, that are well-liked and favored both within Tripura and outside the state as well. 

Tripuris enjoy  Wahan (pork), Tohhan (chicken), Puhan (mutton), Aah (fish), etc

The major food items among Tripuris are Chakhwi Mwitru and Mwkhwi. 

Beverage – Chuwarak is one type of whiskey made in Tripura. The preparation of this drink involves various raw materials such as rice, pineapple, and jackfruit. Besides these, some local ingredients such as Thakotor leaves and Tokhiseleng leaves are also used in the brewing of Chuwarak.

The flavorful cuisine of Tripura is undeniably healthy as well. It is rich in taste and nutrition. Mui Borok is doubtlessly the key to unlocking a happy and healthy abdomen. 
