Training Programme by Tripura Finance Department Focuses on Resolving Departmental Issues


A day-long training programme organized by the state finance department was held at the Agartala Muktadhara auditorium, aiming to address various issues related to the department’s operations. The training brought together several key personnel, including the Head of Office, DDO, Accounts Officer, Principal Officer of ADC, Cashier, Auditor, Commissioner of Taxes, and Senior Accounts Officers of the AG Office. The programme focused on improving coordination, addressing common mistakes, and ensuring compliance with departmental rules and provisions.

The training programme commenced with an inauguration by Apurba Roy, the Secretary of the finance department. In his opening remarks, Roy emphasized the importance of coordination between the Head of Office, DDO, and Treasury Officers with the AG office. He specifically highlighted common mistakes in bill preparation by the department’s DDOs and urged all officers to strictly abide by the department’s rules and provisions. Roy also stressed the need for DDOs to have a clear understanding of deductions in bills before sending them to the treasury.

Akinchan Sarkar, the additional secretary of the finance department, addressed the officers and emphasized the importance of dedication and sincerity, particularly regarding the General Provident Fund (GPF) of the employees. Sarkar identified various loopholes in the system, pointing out that many employees were being deprived of their rightful credits in relation to their GPF accounts. He mentioned that the department had undertaken several IT initiatives to improve services for employees, the public, and overall governance.

During the day-long training programme, a dedicated technical session was held, featuring presentations on several pertinent topics. These included GST, Missing Credit of GPF, Final Pay of GPF, CTOS (Centralized Treasury Online System), and HRMS (Human Resource Management System). The presentations aimed to provide comprehensive insights into these areas and facilitate discussions among the participants.

The GST presentation delved into the intricacies of the Goods and Services Tax, offering a better understanding of its implementation and compliance procedures. It provided the participants with a platform to address any queries or concerns related to GST and ensure its correct application in financial transactions.

The discussion on Missing Credit of GPF aimed to identify and rectify any discrepancies in the crediting of General Provident Fund amounts for employees. Participants shared their experiences, challenges, and potential solutions to address the issue. The focus was on ensuring that all employees receive their entitled GPF credits accurately and in a timely manner.

The presentation on Final Pay of GPF shed light on the calculation and disbursement of GPF amounts during an employee’s retirement or transfer. The participants gained valuable insights into the process, allowing them to streamline and improve the final payment procedures to ensure transparency and accuracy.

CTOS, an online system for treasury management, was also discussed during the training programme. Participants received detailed information on the features, functionalities, and benefits of the system. They explored ways to leverage CTOS effectively to enhance efficiency, transparency, and accountability in financial operations.

Lastly, the presentation on HRMS focused on the importance of a robust human resource management system for the finance department. The participants learned about the key functionalities of HRMS, including employee data management, attendance tracking, payroll processing, and leave management. The session aimed to equip the officers with knowledge and tools to enhance HR operations and ensure effective management of the department’s workforce.

The day-long training programme organized by the Tripura Finance Department served as a platform to address various issues within the department and promote better coordination among key personnel. The sessions conducted during the programme, including discussions on GST, Missing Credit of GPF, Final Pay of GPF, CTOS, and HRMS, provided valuable insights and fostered a conducive environment for knowledge sharing and problem-solving.

The active participation of officers and their commitment to adhering to departmental rules and provisions will undoubtedly contribute to improving the efficiency, transparency, and overall performance of the finance department in Tripura. Such training initiatives help bridge knowledge gaps, address challenges, and pave the way for better governance and service delivery to employees and the public alike.



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