Transformative Initiatives Unveiled on Sikkim Krantikari Morcha’s 12th Foundation Day


In a momentous celebration marking the 12th Foundation Day of the Sikkim Krantikari Morcha (SKM) Party on February 4, President and Chief Minister Prem Singh Tamang unveiled a slew of progressive schemes aimed at reshaping the lives of the citizens of Sikkim. The announcement, made before an enthusiastic crowd, outlined a comprehensive vision for the future of the state.

One of the significant announcements made by Chief Minister Tamang was the assurance of regularizing government employees who have dedicated more than four years of service, extending this commitment to non-gazetted employees as well. This move is expected to bring stability and job security to a significant portion of the workforce, fostering a positive environment for public service.

An ambitious initiative, the Creatorpreneurship Scheme, caught the attention of the youth as Tamang pledged financial aid ranging from Rs 5 lakh to Rs 10 lakh to 75,000 content creators engaged in social media platforms such as videos, reels, and blogs. The amount of support will be determined by the individual’s social media following, providing a unique opportunity for young creators to thrive in the digital space.

Under the Aama Yojna, Chief Minister Tamang addressed the needs of mothers in the state by offering Rs 4,400 annually for LPG refilling to 64,000 individuals. Additionally, drivers with Sikkim certification will be entitled to insurance coverage of up to Rs 10 lakh, acknowledging the importance of the transportation sector in the state’s economy.

The commitment to education was underlined with the extension of the Chief Minister Merit Scholarship (CMMS) up to graduation, ensuring continued educational support beyond Class XII. This move is expected to motivate students to pursue higher education, fostering a culture of academic excellence.

Addressing the housing needs of the less fortunate, Tamang announced plans to construct 300 houses under the Sikkim Garib Awas Yojna. This initiative reflects a commitment to providing shelter and security to those in need, contributing to the overall welfare of the community.

In a bid to empower poor mothers, the Aama Sashaktikaran Yojana promises financial assistance of Rs 40,000 annually to over 64,000 mothers, recognizing and supporting their vital role in family and society.

For childless couples, the Vatsalaya Scheme was introduced, offering financial assistance of Rs 3 lakh for In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) treatments. This initiative reflects the government’s sensitivity to the challenges faced by couples seeking to start a family.

Encouraging a culture of self-employment, the SKM government introduced the ‘One Family, One Entrepreneur Yojana.’ This initiative aims to nurture entrepreneurship by providing support and resources to families, fostering economic independence and contributing to the overall growth of the state.

The announcements made on the 12th Foundation Day of the SKM Party underscore a commitment to holistic development, addressing various aspects of the citizens’ lives. These transformative initiatives are poised to redefine the future of Sikkim, creating a positive impact on employment, education, housing, and overall well-being, as the state marches forward on the path of progress.



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