Tripura Chief Minister Alleges International Conspiracy Behind State’s Drug Menace

FILE PHOTO- Manik Saha

The Chief Minister of Tripura, Manik Saha, has recently alleged that the drug menace in the state is not just a local problem but an international conspiracy to destroy the youth of Tripura. According to him, the drug traffickers are using sophisticated methods to smuggle drugs into the state from neighboring countries like Bangladesh and Myanmar.

Saha has urged the law enforcement agencies to be vigilant and proactive in tackling this issue. He has also called upon the people of Tripura to cooperate with the authorities and help them in identifying the drug dealers and their hideouts. Deb has promised to take strict action against those who are involved in drug trafficking and to provide rehabilitation facilities to the addicts.

The Chief Minister has highlighted the alarming increase in drug addiction among the youth of Tripura and the consequent social and economic problems that it is causing. He has emphasized that the drug menace is not just a law and order issue but a public health problem that needs to be addressed with a multi-pronged approach.

CM has also pointed out that the drug trafficking is being fueled by the huge profits that the drug dealers are making. He has called for a crackdown on the financial networks that are supporting the drug trade and for the imposition of stringent penalties on those who are involved in money laundering.



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