Tripura Government’s Employment Support Initiative: Transforming Lives Affected by Political Violence


In a significant move, the Tripura government has rolled out an impactful initiative to provide employment support to families profoundly affected by political violence before March 9, 2018. Launched on December 23, 2020, the program has successfully facilitated government job placements for 15 individuals, with an additional six families currently under consideration for recommended positions.

Empowering Lives Amidst Political Strife

Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Minister Ratan Lal Nath, addressing the media during a press conference, reiterated the government’s steadfast commitment to assisting those bearing the brunt of political turmoil. The initiative’s primary objective is to bring stability and opportunities to families who endured losses in politically charged incidents preceding the specified date.

Committee Rigorously Evaluates Applications

The scrutiny committee, responsible for evaluating and recommending eligible candidates, has meticulously processed 26 applications from families directly impacted by political unrest. Among these, 15 applicants have received the committee’s endorsement for securement of government employment, marking a pivotal step toward rebuilding their lives.

It is noteworthy that the committee underwent reconstitution on June 14, 2023, with Minister Nath assuming the role of chairman and the Director of the Information and Cultural Affairs Department as the convener. Other key members, including the Law Secretary, Secretary of the Information and Cultural Affairs Department, and Additional Secretary of the Home Department, contribute their expertise to ensure fair and transparent decisions.

Expanding Opportunities for More Families

During the press conference, Minister Nath announced that the committee has recently reviewed six new applications, signaling a positive direction for three additional families awaiting potential job opportunities. Minister Nath encouraged families yet to seek government assistance to visit the office of the relevant Sub-Divisional Magistrate and submit their applications using the prescribed form.

A Proactive Stance Towards Rehabilitation

This initiative reflects the government’s proactive stance in addressing the far-reaching consequences of political violence. By providing sustainable employment solutions, the government aims to contribute to the rehabilitation and empowerment of families adversely affected by past political turmoil.



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