Tripura Govt Sets Ambitious Target to Procure 40,000 MT Paddy at MSP in Kharif Season


In a bid to support farmers and ensure remunerative prices for their produce, the Tripura government has set an ambitious target to procure 40,000 metric tonnes (MT) of paddy at the Minimum Support Price (MSP) during the upcoming Kharif season. The procurement drive will commence on December 11, 2023, and is expected to be completed by January 11, 2024.

The decision to increase the procurement target reflects the government’s commitment to enhancing the welfare of farmers and boosting paddy production in the state. By ensuring a guaranteed market for their produce at a fair price, the government aims to motivate farmers to adopt improved agricultural practices and increase their income.

Significance of MSP

The Minimum Support Price (MSP) is a crucial instrument for ensuring price stability and income support for farmers. It is the price at which the government guarantees to purchase the produce of farmers, thereby protecting them from market fluctuations and ensuring a minimum return for their efforts.

The MSP for paddy has been steadily increasing over the years, reflecting the government’s commitment to improving the economic well-being of farmers. In the current Kharif season, the MSP for paddy has been fixed at Rs. 21,83 per kg, which is significantly higher than the production cost.

Benefits of Increased Procurement

The increased procurement target of 40,000 MT paddy is expected to bring several benefits to the state, including:

  • Improved Income for Farmers: Farmers will receive a guaranteed price for their produce, ensuring a steady income and improving their financial stability.
  • Enhanced Paddy Production: The MSP incentive is likely to encourage farmers to increase paddy production, contributing to food security and economic growth in the state.
  • Boost to Agricultural Infrastructure: The increased procurement will necessitate the development of better storage and transportation facilities for paddy, leading to an overall improvement in agricultural infrastructure.


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