Tripura Sports Minister Tinku Roy Extends Helping Hand to Meritorious Poor Student


The compassionate side of Tripura Sports Minister Tinku Roy was on display as he pledged assistance to a deserving student from an underprivileged background. The minister recently visited the home of Lakshman Urang, an exceptional eighth-grade student residing in the Kalachara village of the Deochhara ADC village in the Chandipur assembly constituency. Moved by Lakshman’s determination to quit studies due to financial constraints, Minister Tinku Roy intervened and arranged financial support for the young scholar through the Vatsalya Yojana. The minister assured Lakshman and his family that they need not worry about financial constraints hindering his future education.

Lakshman Urang, despite his academic brilliance, was forced to contemplate quitting his studies due to his family’s dire financial situation. Recognizing the potential loss of a promising young mind, Sports Minister Tinku Roy visited Lakshman’s home to understand the situation firsthand. The minister’s visit not only instilled hope in the hearts of Lakshman and his family but also showcased the government’s commitment to supporting meritorious students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds.

During the meeting with Lakshman Urang and his family, Tinku Roy wasted no time in ensuring that the young student’s education would not be compromised due to financial constraints. He arranged for Lakshman to receive financial assistance through the Vatsalya Yojana, a government program aimed at providing support to underprivileged students. By extending this financial aid, Minister Tinku Roy demonstrated his determination to empower talented students, irrespective of their economic circumstances.

The timely intervention by Minister Tinku Roy not only relieved Lakshman Urang’s family of their worries but also paved the way for his uninterrupted educational journey. With financial assistance secured, Lakshman can now focus on his studies without any concerns about the financial burden. This gesture not only uplifts Lakshman’s spirits but also motivates other deserving students facing similar challenges to pursue their dreams without hesitation.

Lakshman Urang and his parents expressed heartfelt gratitude to Minister Tinku Roy for his compassionate gesture. They conveyed their appreciation to the minister and his accompanying officials for recognizing the potential within Lakshman and offering the necessary support to nurture his talents. The family acknowledged that this act of kindness would leave a lasting impact on their lives and inspire Lakshman to excel in his academic pursuits.

Minister Tinku Roy’s intervention in Lakshman Urang’s case exemplifies the government’s commitment to providing equal opportunities in education. By extending financial assistance through the Vatsalya Yojana, the government aims to ensure that no talented student is left behind due to financial limitations. This initiative underscores the government’s belief in the transformative power of education and its dedication to empowering the youth, especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds.

The benevolent actions of Tripura Sports Minister Tinku Roy in aiding Lakshman Urang, a meritorious student facing financial constraints, serve as an inspiring example of compassion and commitment. By extending support through the Vatsalya Yojana, Minister Tinku Roy has not only secured Lakshman’s educational journey but has also reaffirmed the government’s dedication to uplifting deserving students from impoverished backgrounds. This act of kindness will undoubtedly leave a lasting impact on Lakshman’s life and encourage countless others to pursue their dreams with confidence, knowing that they have a government that believes in their potential.



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