Tripura: SSA Teachers’ Body Demands Regularization and Employee Benefits


The Samagra Shiksha teaching and non-teaching staff, along with employees, rallied under the banner of ‘Tripura Rajya Samagra Shiksha Karmachari Manch’ on Sunday, urging Chief Minister Dr. Manik Saha to address their plea for regularization.

During a press conference held at the Agartala Press Club, a spokesperson representing the Samagra Shiksha employees emphasized the need for the government to implement a policy akin to that of other states like Manipur and Himachal Pradesh, where SSA teachers and non-teaching staff have already been regularized.

In addition to their call for regularization, the teachers’ body also put forward demands for increment benefits, Dearness Allowance (DA), City Allowance (CA), Earned Leave (EL), and pension benefits for those teachers and non-teaching staff who have been left out of the current provisions.

The plea for regularization stems from a desire for job security and equitable treatment for SSA educators and support staff, who play a pivotal role in shaping the educational landscape of Tripura. Drawing parallels with other states’ successful regularization policies, the teachers’ body hopes to inspire similar positive changes within the state.

The demand for increment benefits, DA, CA, EL, and pension benefits for excluded members highlights the need for comprehensive welfare measures to ensure the well-being and job satisfaction of all Samagra Shiksha employees.

The ‘Tripura Rajya Samagra Shiksha Karmachari Manch’ looks forward to constructive dialogue with the state government, hoping that their appeals will be met with consideration and proactive steps towards the betterment of SSA educators and staff.



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