TTAADC Advisor Captain G.S. Rathee Resigns, Vows Continued Support for Tripura People


Captain G.S. Rathee, Advisor to the Tripura Tribal Areas Autonomous District Council (TTAADC), has tendered his resignation citing personal reasons. The resignation, effective immediately, marks the end of Captain Rathee’s tenure in the advisory role.

Captain Rathee’s decision to step down from his position has raised eyebrows, given his instrumental contributions to the council during his term. As a prominent figure within the TTAADC, his departure has left a void that will undoubtedly be felt across the council’s activities.

Despite his resignation, Captain Rathee has affirmed his unwavering commitment to supporting the people of Tripura. In a statement released shortly after the announcement, he expressed his deep gratitude for the opportunity to serve in his advisory capacity. He reassured the public that his dedication to the betterment of the Tripura community remains steadfast.

While the exact nature of Captain Rathee’s personal reasons for resigning was not disclosed in the official statement, his decision was met with understanding and respect from various quarters. Political leaders, community members, and colleagues within the TTAADC lauded his contributions and extended their best wishes for his future endeavors.

Captain Rathee’s legacy within the TTAADC will likely endure, given his commitment to the region’s development and his pledge to remain an advocate for the people of Tripura. As the council navigates this transition, the focus now shifts to identifying his successor and ensuring a smooth continuity of administrative functions.

In light of Captain Rathee’s resignation, the TTAADC faces a new chapter that will test its ability to maintain its momentum and effectively address the aspirations of the people it serves. The departure of a dedicated leader like Captain Rathee emphasizes the council’s need for robust leadership to uphold its mission and continue fostering progress for the citizens of Tripura.



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