Tura’s New Gem: Pa Togan Nengminja Sangma Athletics Stadium Unveiled


In a historic moment for Tura, the largest town in the Garo Hills of Meghalaya, the newly inaugurated Pa Togan Nengminja Sangma Athletics Stadium promises to usher in a new era of sporting excellence, embodying the indomitable spirit of freedom fighter Pa Togan Sangma.

A Monument to Athletic Prowess: State-of-the-Art Infrastructure at Rs 16.02 Crore

Constructed for Rs 16.02 crore, this state-of-the-art facility pays homage to the legacy of Pa Togan Sangma, a freedom fighter whose athletic prowess and unwavering determination continue to inspire the youth of Meghalaya.

The inauguration ceremony, held on January 12, witnessed the presence of Meghalaya Chief Minister Conrad K Sangma, Speaker of the Meghalaya Assembly Thomas A. Sangma, Minister of Sports and Youth Affairs Shakliar Warjri, and Minister of Housing, Public Health Engineering (PHE), and Soil and Energy Conservation Marcuise N. Marak, among other dignitaries.

Cutting-Edge Infrastructure for Future Champions

Featuring an eight-lane synthetic athletic track meeting international standards and an administrative block, the stadium is dedicated to nurturing budding champions and fostering athletic excellence in the region.

Readiness for National Sporting Events

The completion of this infrastructure positions Tura to proudly host the 5th Meghalaya Games in 2024, showcasing its readiness for national sporting events. The stadium has already proven its capabilities by successfully hosting the North East Olympics, attracting over 4,000 athletes from eight states.

Chief Minister’s Vision for Athletic Development

Chief Minister Sangma highlighted the significance of the stadium, not only in terms of medals and victories but as an investment in grassroots sports. The Meghalaya government’s commitment includes over 200 new infrastructures at an estimated cost of Rs 500 crore, with the stadium catalyzing athletic discovery and development.



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