Woman Seriously Injured After Being Hit by an SDPO’s Car in Savanthganj


An elderly woman was injured after being hit by the car of the Sub-divisional Police Officer in the market A 70-year-old woman was injured on the National Highway in Vathanganj Bazar when Vishalgarh Sub-Divisional Police Officer Rahul Das was hit by a car while escorting the Chief Minister’s car around 11:00 on Thursday. It is known that Sub-Divisional Police Officer Rahul Das’ car was in charge of security in front of the Chief Minister’s convoy. A woman named Vishwa Lakshmi Devvarma was seriously injured in the collision of that car. Police personnel rescued the injured woman and brought her to the primary health center Several high-ranking police officers rushed to the primary health center Presently the injured woman Biswa Lakshmi Devavarma was referred to Agartala GB Hospital as her condition was critical Currently, a woman named Biswa Lakshmi Debvarma is fighting death in GB Hospital.
