1.3 kg Heroin Seized in Tripura’s Agartala; Three Arrested for Drug Peddling


Tripura police successfully recovered 1.3 kg of heroin with an estimated value of Rs 10 crore in Agartala. The operation also resulted in the arrest of three individuals suspected to be involved in drug peddling.

The breakthrough came after the police received confidential information regarding the illegal activities. Acting swiftly on this tip-off, authorities established a checkpoint at Churaibari in the north Tripura district. It was at this location that the suspects were intercepted.

Upon thorough inspection, the police discovered the stash of 1.3 kg of heroin, cleverly concealed within soap cases. The recovery underscores the extent of the illicit drug trade in the region and the authorities’ commitment to curb its proliferation.

Bhanupada Chakraborty, Superintendent of Police for North Tripura, confirmed the successful operation and highlighted the essential role of actionable intelligence in law enforcement efforts. The arrests and heroin seizure represent a resolute step towards maintaining law and order, as well as preserving public safety.



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