13-Year-Old Tiprasa Schoolgirl Allegedly Ends Life in Agartala Hostel


Thorough Probe Promised by Tripura Tribal Welfare Minister

In a heartbreaking incident, a 13-year-old Tiprasa schoolgirl was found dead in her hostel room at Suparibagan in Agartala, raising concerns about the well-being of students in government-run facilities. The girl, a student of Bijoykumar Higher Secondary School in Agartala city, resided at the Anangamohini Scheduled Tribes (ST) girls hostel.

Discovery and Immediate Response

The tragic event unfolded on Wednesday evening when one of the girl’s roommates discovered her lifeless body around 9:30 pm. The roommate promptly informed others, including the hostel in-charge, who then alerted officials at the West Agartala women police station. The police have initiated investigations into the circumstances surrounding the incident.

Minister Assures Thorough Investigation

Upon learning of the distressing situation, Tripura Tribal Welfare Minister Bikash Debbarma visited the hostel to assess the situation and extend support to those affected. Expressing concern over the incident, the minister promised a comprehensive investigation to uncover the reasons behind the girl’s apparent suicide.

“The reason for her taking this drastic step is not known yet. Her family members were informed,” stated Minister Bikash Debbarma during his visit to the hostel.

Possible Triggers

Hostel sources revealed that the girl did not exhibit any signs of depression during her stay. However, it was suggested that her mother’s alleged elopement with another person two or three months ago might have contributed to her emotional distress. The tragic incident occurred while the girls were having dinner.

Hostel in-charge Bandana Sarkar highlighted the need for a thorough investigation into the circumstances leading to the girl’s decision. She emphasized that although the girl did not show overt signs of distress, underlying emotional turmoil might have played a role.

Post-Mortem Underway

As the community grapples with the shock of the young girl’s untimely demise, a senior police officer from the police headquarters in Agartala stated, “Post-mortem is going on. We can say something only after getting the post-mortem report.” The findings of the post-mortem examination will likely shed light on the events leading up to the tragic incident.



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