3 Kuki-Zo MLAs Removed as Chairmen of House Panels Unfairly Targeted?


In a surprising move, three Kuki-Zo MLAs in Manipur were removed from their positions as chairmen of House panels without any explanation given. The MLAs, who represent the Kuki-Zo community, were removed from the Committee on Government Assurance, the Committee on Public Undertakings, and the Library Committee.

The Speaker of the Manipur Legislative Assembly, Thokchom Satyabrata Singh, appointed new chairmen for the committees without providing any explanation for the removals. The removals have sparked outrage among the Kuki-Zo community, who believe that they are being unfairly targeted. They have called on the Speaker to explain his decision and to reinstate the MLAs to their positions.

Key points

Key PointDescription
Three Kuki-Zo MLAs were removed from their positions as chairmen of House panels in Manipur.The MLAs were removed from the Committee on Government Assurance, the Committee on Public Undertakings, and the Library Committee.
The removals were made without any reason given.The Speaker of the Manipur Legislative Assembly did not provide any explanation for the removals.
The Kuki-Zo community has expressed outrage over the removals.The Kuki-Zo community believes that they are being unfairly targeted.


The removal of the three Kuki-Zo MLAs from their positions as chairmen of House panels is a serious matter. It is important to note that the MLAs were removed without any explanation given. This lack of transparency is concerning and has led to speculation that the removals were politically motivated.

The Kuki-Zo community is right to be outraged by the removals. The MLAs were duly elected by their constituents and were performing their duties to the best of their abilities. There is no justification for their removal without a clear explanation.

I urge the Speaker of the Manipur Legislative Assembly to reconsider his decision and to reinstate the three Kuki-Zo MLAs to their positions. The people of Manipur deserve to have their elected representatives serving in their best interests.



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