Assam: Martyred soldier Balmukund honoured by renaming road to his name


In a poignant gesture of remembrance and respect, the town of Dibrugarh in Assam has bestowed a heartfelt tribute upon the martyred soldier, Balmukund. A road near the Amolapatty area in Dibrugarh has been officially renamed in his honor, serving as a lasting testament to his selfless sacrifice.

Balmukund, a brave soldier who made the ultimate sacrifice while defending the nation’s borders, exemplifies the indomitable spirit and unwavering commitment of our armed forces. His valorous actions, resonating deeply within the hearts of the citizens, have prompted this solemn recognition in the form of renaming a prominent thoroughfare.

The decision to dedicate the road to Balmukund was met with unanimous approval and admiration from the local community, who wholeheartedly embraced the opportunity to pay tribute to the fallen hero. This commemorative act not only serves as a symbol of gratitude towards Balmukund’s courageous service but also aims to inspire future generations to emulate his bravery and dedication to the nation.

The renaming ceremony was a solemn and emotional occasion, attended by Balmukund’s family, fellow soldiers, local officials, and residents of Dibrugarh. Amidst a sea of dignitaries and tearful eyes, the sign bearing the new name was unveiled, immortalizing Balmukund’s name in the annals of the town’s history.

The road, once known by a different name, will now serve as a constant reminder of the sacrifice made by Balmukund and the countless other soldiers who have laid down their lives in service to the nation. It is hoped that every passerby will pause, if only for a moment, to reflect upon the immense bravery and dedication displayed by these valiant warriors.

The act of renaming the road not only pays homage to Balmukund but also serves as a poignant gesture of solidarity and gratitude towards the armed forces and their relentless efforts in safeguarding our borders. It stands as a testament to the nation’s unwavering commitment to honoring those who have made the ultimate sacrifice and serves as a source of inspiration for generations to come.

As the renamed road in Dibrugarh bears witness to the heroism and sacrifice of Balmukund, it becomes a hallowed ground where his memory will forever be etched in the hearts of the people. May his spirit continue to guide and inspire us as we strive to build a future that upholds the values for which he fought and made the ultimate sacrifice.



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