Attempt to Rape Minor Girl, Child Protection Commission Took Action


The State Child Protection and Rights Commission has finally moved in the case of attempted rape of a minor girl On March 13, 55-year-old Dulal Mia, a 55-year-old resident of Matinagar border area under Amtali police station of Kamalasagar Assembly, took a seven-year-old minor girl from the same area to the deep forest to commit mischief with her for money. There, Dulal Mia tried various ways to rape the minor girl. From there, the minor girl somehow escaped and told her mother the complete incident of Dulal Mia’s misdeeds. The day after the incident i.e. on March 14, the mother of the minor girl filed a written case against Dulal Mia in connection with the incident at Amtali police station.

The police of Amtali police station started investigating the incident after receiving the complaint. Although the police have not yet arrested the accused Dulal Miah After the incident, Dulal Mia fled to Bangladesh. The State Child Protection and Rights Commission was shocked to hear about this incident. On Thursday, State Child Protection Commission member Sharmila Chowdhury rushed to the house of the minor girl in Matinagar to investigate the incident. He went there and spoke to the family members including the minor child and assured the child’s family that the State Child Protection and Rights Commission will do everything possible.



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